As homecoming draws nearer and nearer, I find my sleep patterns are getting weirder and weirder and my schedule is getting more and more packed with MUST DO THIS NOW type things that all could be easily done if only my schedule didn't CHANGE suddenly. Today, for instance...
I woke up this morning with the knowledge of work to do, a friend to help out, and a 2nd mom to assist. Everything was scheduled out carefully and I should have had time this afternoon to bleach treat my kitchen, bathroom, and entry floors. The day SO didn't go like I'd planned.
I woke up with a gasp and goosebumps after one of those waking dreams where you CANT open your eyes. In the dream I heard someone come into my house, up the stairs, and into my room, then lean over the bed to look at me. A voice (which in the back of my head I said was Andy's) whispered "Look up" and I woke up. >shiver< Was SO freaky. Anyway, so I woke up, rolled over and called my sister. We had a nice chat, and I spoke briefly with Jackson (Hi Danty. Duckie. Byebye!), then headed up to work.
Sat down and downloaded my work, sorted through everything and got the labels correctly made for each set before I realized that my printer cartridge had finally given up the ghost and I hadn't had time to run to Office Max yet for a new one. I needed it to finish the work, so figured I'd get it after I met with Q and be able still to finish everything and do the floors. Then I got a call from Q and we realized that to get the truck and stuff we needed to pick up the changing table for her baby and move the cabinet here that they were giving us we'd need to do it sooner rather than later (Had to rent the truck from home depot). I figured lunch hour was the best time, so I ran to the bedroom and threw on clothes, then out the door.
The getting of the stuff was an experience in itself... suffice it to say that nothing went right and I was about an hour late getting back. Called 2nd mom quickly to work on the dissertation before sundown her time and was interrupted by a flurry of wings and chirps and squeaks from my fireplace. I put my neck through various contortions and finally was able to see some sort of winged fluffy looking creature with spots hanging from the damper. Tried to get it down and ended up scaring myself more than it! I called the Q and her hub-unit who BOTH came because they wanted to see what it was and take a picture (turned out to be a big spotted bird of some sort, but we thought it might be an owl or a bat at first). Got it out finally by banging the broom for the fireplace around up the vent until it fell from the damper (startling me so badly I whanged my arm into the metal casing and have a very large "contusion" on my right wrist now). The poor bird zoomed around the room for a minute panicking before Q's HU was able to get the patio door open and shoo it gently through. Once they had laughed themselves out the door, I vaccuumed the soot, finished talking to Mama and the changes on the paper, then ran to Office Max.
I got home to a slightly firm sounding email and had to make some homecoming phone calls to the family since the Navy needed more information from everyone for their base passes. By the time I got off the phone, the East coast office was long closed and I still hadn't done but a smidgen of work, let alone the floors! At that point, it was nearing Sabbath and I made the executive decision to finish tomorrow night and Sunday since it was so close to Sabbath. With that, I went in to take a bath and am now thinking seriously about an "early to bed" night.
What a day! Its frightening when I think that today was LESS scheduled than all of next week is. How on EARTH am I going to get everything ready?! At least the shopping is done (except for grocery shopping, and balloons, and the dollar store for New Year's decor), and the big projects except the bleach of the floors are done, so its all cleaning and decorating and laundry and work and sewing projects and dyeing some fabric with Q and picking up dry cleaning and getting my hair cut.............