I dont think I would say I am anywhere near OVER the hill, but Im definately climbing it and nearing the summit. Today, I turned 30. In fact, in about 5 hours I will officially have lived on this earth for 30 years. I was born 5 days after my FATHER's 30th bday, and thinking that by now he had 2 children.... I feel a little behind. hehe.
The day has been fun, although my "real" celebrations were while DangerElf was here and yesterday with the hubband. My MIL really made my day extra special... Ive been craving Fox Pointe coffee ever since we left Oak Harbor and she sent my fav, pumpkin spice, for a bday gift. So tonight? I had pizza with extra garlic dipping sauce, cinnaburst dessert pizza, and 4 cups of pumpkin spice. I probably wont sleep until Im 31! I got phone calls from the family, kisses and bites from the puppy (and the hubband... >blush<), cards, and my present... its been a good bday. I even got to celebrate by hearing a great holiday concert by the U of M music department. Wheeee!
Happy Birthday, Me.
I'm glad you had a good day lub! I think 30 is going to be a good year. (yeah for all of us!)
I swear I was GONNA call....but there was a baby whose teefers were not so happy last night. And naps. Several people took naps.
Still! I sent you an IM, right? And your b-day present will be arriving soon, yes? See? All better. :)
wheeee! a birthday!
"Some-one's had a birthday, we're so glad!
Let us see, how many, she has had!
Have A sing it for you! Just a little throw-back to Gladstone kindergarten. :)
OH! any new kitchen pictures?
happy birthday sweetie. how does it feel? im slowly approaching that 30 year mark, give me a heads up would ya?
...looking back...My 30's were most momentous in learning about myself and enjoying family. But, personally, I've enjoyed my 50's the bestest! Yes, REALLY!
Hey you I tried to call and realized I have a VERY old #. So if you please can you send me you new ones again :-(!!!We thought of you bunches as we had Nic and the boys just could not get you and then Nic's phone was buried on the way to the airport on the 7th so still no #'s. Sorry honey love you I can't believe you are 30 I remember the day you was born, seems like yesterday. Especially since I haven't gotten any older,hehehe!
Love ya
Hey Chris,
Thought of you and many good times this last weekend. Glad you're having a good time. Lotsa luv,
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