Wednesday, October 03, 2007

LET THERE BE LIGHT! and... water? and... RATS?

Hubband got our pendant lights put in (yeah! pretty kitchen necklace of lights), but just as he finished the washer suddenly overflowed as it tried to drain. Apparently we have a clog somewhere... and then, when we tried to clear it, it backwashed into the master bath toilet. I swear with this house if it isn't one thing its 12 others. As we were leaving the bathroom in a newly dry state, we noticed Priscilla had found a dead rat and was playing with it in the backyard. EW. ICK. GROSS.

BUT! pretty kitchen necklace, see?


Anonymous said...

Purty! Be glad the dead rat was outside. It could be worse :)

Xboyd said...

Oops...mrs. pooley used my computer yesterday..

I love the lights! Gorgeous!

Rats! >wrinkly nose< Yuck! and Double yuck! Inside OR outside! But, thankfully, outside this time!