We have a cat mat instead of a doormat... at least on sunny days.
We're friends now! Most of the time...
Sabbath afternoon walk. The best part of the weekend for all of us I think!
Thursday afternoon I was asked to make a cake for the going-away potluck we were having for 2 different families who are leaving the area in the next few days. As one is going to the mission field and the other to complete a medical residency, I came up with the idea of the arrows and destinations. Hubband figured out the mileage for me, and here is the final result. Not too bad for little more than 24 hours notice! This picture it's hard to see, but the miles for Nashville is only 183. Big difference from Laos!
She found a cool place to sleep. After a walk earlier this week, we found her under the table on top of the boxes and sound asleep. The camera flash woke her up.
Out 'Mato! He's a little bigger now, actually. VERY exciting. We can't wait until next year when we can have a full garden instead of 2 little mato plants. Our jalapeƱo that we planted got dug up by birds and killed.
With the fact that it was youth sabbath and we were involved in the music for the service and for sabbath school, as well as the cake (which had to be finished and hidden this morning before one of the recipients arrived to help with potluck!), and potluck, and clean up... its already been a full day! We got home from church and pretty much just collapsed into bed. Of course, Scilla had been sleeping all morning already and didn't want to let us get rest. Hubband got up to play with her and let me sleep. I so appreciated it!
My friend DS got her first ultrasound yesterday. She's 5w4d and it was such fun to see the pic of her little peanut. :-) We also got to see the ultrasounds from our soon to be nephew or niece Pooleyaticus (They're posted there, too, if you wanna check 'em out!) a few days ago. So many babies! Maybe soon we'll have some news on that front, too. *grin*
There isn't much else of interest going on. We have the job hunt for Hubband, the continuing work on the house, the weekly duties at church, working full time, and trying hard to stay ahead or at least caught up with duties such as laundry and cleaning the bathrooms in the midst of it all. We also are preparing for a duet we're to do for special music at church in a couple of weeks. If I can get a good recording, I'll even post it for your enjoyment! For now? I'm off to grab some green chili rice, chips and salsa, and a big frosty glass o' lemonade. Wanna join me?
Man! I can't get over how HUGE Obie is . . . he was soooo tiny when I saw him last. That is Obie right? LOL, the two of them! that's too cute :D
OHH, I just planted tomatoes too! I'm hoping I get to enjoy some this summer/fall :D
lol @ the cat-mat!
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