Sunday, July 17, 2005


Wow! Diva night turned out to be a blast. I got very loud and rambunctious and B and T and I were throwing the innuendos around thick and fast... I think their men were a bit overwhelmed. hehe. What is Diva Night, you ask?

We went to Paint Your Art Out, a pottery painting studio here in town. They have diva night every 2 months, dinner and painting of pottery with door prizes, tiaras, and sceptres for all the ladies. No men allowed! The food was dee-lish... and we all laughed so much Im surprised we didn't come out of there with abs of steel. :-) Trekked over to Queenies and collected the menfolk for a run to the Donut House. I had never been and this fact horrified all the others. Those donuts are YUMMY! We're planning a return to the studio to finish our projects sometime this week. That means my project list this week is:
  • teach self to can (pickles, preserves, and jam/jelly) with Queen
  • Write 15 neurology abstracts
  • Take Obie to the vet
  • Clean house (including sorting through 2 weeks of mail and filing it)
  • Edit and format chapter 4 of Mom's dissertation
  • Empty out garage of trash and get car washed
  • Finish project at the paint studio
  • Fold laundry

That's the basic gist of it. Just another slow week for the stay-at-home-owns-her-own-business-and-still-has-a-social-life Navy wife...


Kat said...

The Donut House?!?! as in Anacortes?!?! as in the hugestest donuts anywhere?!?! as in the donuts on steroids?!?! as in....I WANT SOME, TOOOOOOOOOO....Love those bear feets with the chocolate & carmel toes....I always left with a mocha latte...mmmmmmm

I'm homesick for the Donut House, Deception Pass, the view from W*M's parking lot, the thrift store up on Barrington, our spot off of West Beach Rd, another favorite spot at West Beach & Hasty Lake Rd where you had an awesome view of MY mountains (the Olympics) the cool weather, seeing Mt Baker in the distance, Ft Casey's Lighthouse, taking the ferry to Pt Townsend....... ::sob::

Tricorum Satisdee said...

Good LORD I love me some Donut House Donuts! Best EVAR!