Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Migration: Day 2

Once again, we didn’t make it on the road NEARLY as early as we had hoped. As a result, Im typing this at 9:15 pm while zooming through the pass about 30 miles north of Medford, OR. We’re hoping to hit Redding before midnight, so we can get a good night’s rest and still be on the road early tomorrow for the push to Palm Springs.

Our visit in Portland was fun, but it was hard to say goodbye to all our friends. We had meals and/or dessert with most everyone, although we did miss Aunt Bunny and Uncle Terry, Stacey and Shane, and Genessa’s husband, Murray. It was a blisteringly hot weekend in Portland, and we just were so exhausted by our trip down from Oak Harbor that we weren’t able to do all that we had hoped.

The trip has been oddly relaxing though. Both Hubband and I are feeling that in some strange way our stress is being relieved … perhaps because by being on the road again we’re actually moving toward our end destination and perhaps in no small part because it is always hard to say goodbye to loved ones and the good memories of special places. Along the way today, we’ve stopped several times—usually for a good reason (gas, food, etc). However, Hubband pulled off the road suddenly about 20 minutes after we got gas and gave me his mischievous look. We were at Rice Hill!

If you’re feeling as blank as I was, Rice Hill is a little hole in the wall drive up that Hubband’s family used always to stop at on their way across the pass. They have some of the best ice cream ever!! It was a little cooler and the kitties even seemed to enjoy the small respite from the road.

Now, we’re zooming through the darkness, with my laptop and the headlight creating small lakes of light surrounded by the backdrop of fir trees silhouetted against the stars. With Aerosmith blaring and Hubband wailing along, the kitties contented little fur puddles in the back, and work beckoning, the remaining 3 hours of drive time for the night to reach our goal of Redding, CA just doesn’t seem so hard to deal with.
Goodnight from Redding, all!


Janeen said...

Call when you get close, we'll bring coffee anywhere!

Anonymous said...

again we still miss you, and the thought of new neighbors is killing me. ok not really, but the fact that they moved in not only a mere day after you left! im glad your stress is reliveing. thats a good thing. its gonna take some time for me to get over the fact youre not here anymore but glad things are settling for you! please do call when you arrive. or email or something. you have our address and numbers. we miss you guys terribly, and dakota especially misses you guys, asking everytime we go outside. wheres chris and andy?
good luck on your journey. ill talk to you soon

mrspooley said...

Ola Senor and Ita!
Looks like you're making progress! Since you messaged me from your grandparents house I'm guessing you made it there! LOL!
Only one day left at work for me! What's tomorrow like for you?