Friday, October 20, 2006

Tip of the Week...

This week I have been putting together a calendar full of tips and facts so I'll just share one of those for the tip today...

A "blue moon" is defined as the second full moon in a single calendar month -- this occurs only about once every 2.5 years.

Interestingly, this definition, while considered correct today, originated from a mistake in a publication of Sky and Telescope magazine in 1946. Previously, the definition of a "blue moon" was the third full moon in a season which contained FOUR such moons.

Interesting eh?

And just as a bonus...

Moths have no stomach.


Tricorum Satisdee said...

Okay, the moth thing? Blich.

Kim said...

Great. I can just see myself espousing this the next time I'm drunk and trying to impress someone with my knowledge of all... I am an ass.