It's been a big week here in the Boyd house... Hubband has been looking for a job for about 3 weeks now, sending in and/or submitting at least 3 applications/resumes each day. So far he has been turned away for Sabbath reasons, told he was overqualified, and told that he needed "civilian" qualifications. >sigh<
I'm going to go make dinner soon. Im not sure what we're having yet, but it's bound to be something worth eating in front of the tv. We recorded a couple of fun "old" movies on the DVR (70's time frame... not really "oldies") and we have Stargate SG1 and Atlantis for the evening's entertainment before we attack the last of the shelving. Hopefully by tomorrow night it will all be put together and painted and I can move my books! Wheee!
Put on your happy faces, everyone!
hehe . . . you cropped the pic of A & Pris :)
Hope you get the shelves done soon, and everyone feels better too.
For some reason, this pic of Flip reminds me of good ole 5th grade. He looks so youthful... :)
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